One of the toughest things for people to do, not only in business but personally, is to admit when they've made a mistake.
A lesson we've learned over the years in the music business is to check and cross check and triple check our calendars for double bookings and errors. Tonight we had a mistake. It was one that we wouldn't have even noticed if one of our venues hadn't noticed that the band booked at their room was also on another clubs website. He called the other venue to question their calendar and then the venue called us and the mistake was realized on our end. Through lots of panicking and scrambling we corrected the situation as best we could.
The remedy wasn't the perfect solution but it was the best we could come up with in short notice. These things don't happen very often, but when they do happen, instead of placing blame we always try to take responsibility.
We apologized and assured the venue that it won't happen again. It might not have been our fault but inevitably it was our responsibility. In business, always be responsible and aware of your performances and your decisions and also your mistakes.
We are truly grateful for all of our clients, bands, fans and all who support us. Thank you! #blondewisdom #numberten #ten